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If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research

This week, I have been mostly feeling the pressure of the 5000 word report I need to finish within 2 weeks, the presentation I need to give in 7 days on a project I have no real results for yet, the 10 hours of business cases I volunteered to mark for an NGO, and a test I have a week on Friday for which I have not had time to revise. So hopefully you'll forgive my absence from this blog for the next week or so whilst I bash out 5000 coherent words on conservation management.

"I look forward to seeing it."

My academic tutor recently, on the topic of my research project

You and me both, Simon.

Unfortunately my obsession with Reddit has started to spiral out of control, I think mostly because I spend so much time inside looking at peer reviewed papers and spreadsheets that I need to further my connection to nature. In a digital world, r/cute is that link, and here follows my 'animals of the week' list as a result of time so well invested. I did also manage to harass a real live gecko on Sunday morning, and I went on a dive in Tamarin where I saw some awesome sleeping white tipped reef sharks.

Animals of the week

1. This horse, bringing his girlfriend a snack

2. This smart cow

3. A crab with a cigarette

See you on the other side!

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