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On feminism and inside jokes

So I have been in Mauritius for two months now, and about 80% of my time is spent in the presence of the same three wonderful lady-persons. We live, work and study together. There are some pretty entertaining effects of spending so much time together, and here I name just a few:

1. You reach levels of mind-meld pretty damn quickly.

I'm sure you all know the mind-meld - you either know what someone's going to say before they say it, or you find the smallest thing they say quite hilarious.

For example

Carlota: This is the worst beetroot I've ever tasted.

Now to the outsider, this is a mere statement on a below-standard-root-vegetable. I found this hilarious. I think it's in the delivery and the heavy distain in her voice.


Me [whilst waiting on a computer program to 'fetch some data']: This is so fetch.

Molly [a split second later]: Stop trying to make "fetch" happen.

Hastag mean girls hashtag fetch hashtag jus' saying

2. You talk about equal rights, likes and dislikes of the work word 'feminist', and equal treatment for all even more often that you did before

I think this is bound to happen when you put four strong women in a house together. The phrase "you're angry because he's stealing your feminine power" HAS been used in conversation.

3. You have started communicating in a new way, completely unintelligible to the outside world

Specifically, with use of the words 'man-cake', 'fun-sies' and 'growly'. I used the word 'fun-sies' in a sentence this week without realising it. No joke.

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